There are a few requirements companies must meet to be eligible for our programme. You are eligible to participate if you:
- Must be in the technology sector specifically for TV, Media, and or Broadcasting
- Must have a minimum of 15 full-time working personnel within the sector internationally*
- Companies can have an international head office and subsidiary companies around the globe
- Applicants can be a broadcast media technology manufacturer, service provider, reseller, distributor, outside broadcast technology provider
- Be a publicly or privately owned business
- Must be in business a minimum of one year

There are three different ways companies can participate.
FIRST – As an individual organisation possessing one Registered Company Number.
SECOND – As the parent/holding company of multiple organisations with one Registered Company Number for all subsidiaries. The parent/holding company must register with all eligible employees working for that parent/holding company.
THIRD – Subsidiaries of a parent/holding organisation may register separately if each subsidiary organisation possesses a separate Registered Company Number. If the organisation has multiple facilities, branches, factories, offices or stores, all locations must be included in the survey if they operate under the same Registered Company Number.

Include all current, full- and part-time employees in the survey process, from the CEO, partners, all the way to line-level employees, including remote employees. Remote employees are defined as employees that work from home or on the road who directly report to a supervisor in your organisation.